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Pardon My French Interview

with Ingrid De La Mare Kenny


Yesterday I was interviewed by Ingrid De La Mare Kenny about what it’s like being an actor, and my struggle trying to stay thin for the camera. We're talking food trends and how dieting can actually cause you to gain... 

#WCW Shannon Silver


Shannon Silver is a bombass 80's nostalgia babe with glowing skin, a unique sense of style and a lazy luxury lifestyle blog called Esselesse. She's also my first "Woman Crush Wednesday" and I can't wait to introduce you, if you haven't already met. Recently I got a chance to fly down to SF and interview her about how to grow your instagram following, increase engagement, and gain trust as an influencer... 

No BS Guide for Instagram Growth and Engagement


Calling all influencers. Looking for more followers on instagram, and better engagement?  Shannon Silver and I are sharing all our secrets on what it takes to be an influencer with*actual* influence. The good, the bad..

Interview with Ingrid De La Mare Kenny - Part One

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Ingrid De La Mare Kenny is a health and fitness expert and my personal 'anti-diet' guru. If you haven't heard of her, you need to tune in now. She talks about how to balance your hormones, heal your gut, cure food allerg..

Interview with Ingrid De La Mare Kenny - Part Two


In this half of the interview we talk about Ingrid's dating life, men to avoid, the trend of women leaving men for other women, how to find your soulmate, how to be irresistibly sexy online and off, what it's like working in the fashion industry, moving to the French..

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