Not all yoga studios are the same. Some offer a little somethin somethin on the side.
Here are my recent discoveries -

Massage. Takes "hands-on" to the next level. Each of the following studios have instructors who will help coax your body deeper into postures and follow up with a brief but much appreciated shoulder or foot massage.
345 15th Ave. E
Suite 102
Seattle WA 98112
*groovin flow
3516 Fremont Pl N
Seattle WA 98103
(It's in an alley)
*shannon eyre
2131 Queen Anne Ave N
Seattle WA 98109
*ginger saunders (find her on instagram @justmeginger)
*you can opt out of touch at any studio

Swag. No shirt. No shoes. No problem. You can purchase all of your clothing, mats and even get motivationally inspired jewelry at the following locations.
Nation-wide locations
2131 Queen Anne Ave N
Seattle WA 98109
1900 4th Ave
Seattle WA
(on the corner of 4th + Stewart)
3516 Fremont Pl N
Seattle WA 98103
(It's in an alley)
Complimentary Towels and Mats.
345 15th Ave. E
Suite 102
Seattle WA 98112
*Every other studio I've visited charges a rental fee for towels and mats
